I hadn't heard of Prints, but seeing Temporary Residence in the leak title made me curious. Sure enough, it's another Howard Hello / Pinback / Tarentel offshoot from Kenseth Thibideau, focusing on the layered pop that made Howard Hello's "More of the Same" such a great song. While "Easy Magic" takes the cue of that song's wordless vocals, it also incorporates real lyrics, or close approximations thereof. There's a verse, but most of the song revolves around the lines "Is it magic? If it's easy / If it's easy," which seem ridiculous taken out of context. Trust me. It works.
Temporary Residence doesn't hold back any names in the press release—"Merging the eclectic instrumentation of Talking Heads with the ethereal vocals of Peter Gabriel, the two mingle the precision of Brian Eno and the jubilance of Brian Wilson"—but I'd make a closer comparison to the poppier moments on Jim O'Rourke's Eureka.